Submissions (closed)

Submissions of full papers are invited from academic, government and business economists in any field of economics. Papers borrowing methodologies from other sciences are very welcome too.

AFSE membership will also be required to be a speaker once your paper is accepted.

Details on how to become a member of the AFSE or to update your membership status can be found here.

Presentations will exclusively be in English.

To submit a paper follow the steps:

Step 1: Go to New submission

 You have two options:

  • "Create an account" - you will immediately receive an email in order to validate your account. Once validated, your account is ready for use.
  • "Log in" if you are already registered. If you've lost your password, click on the "Forgotten password" button and enter either your id or email. You will need to log in everytime you're coming back on the website.

Step 2: Submit a paper

  1. Log in by using your username and password
  2. Click on "My submission" in the menu
  3. Follow the guidelines and details indicated (4 steps) up to the final validation Overview / Submit. It is important that your choice of topic(s) (you can select more than one) be as informative as possible.

Step 3: Check the confirmation email

Right after your submission, you will receive the confirmation email (with your submission number). 

For questions regarding submissions and registrations:

For questions regarding the program:

For other questions:


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